Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tessa Berg Meier must now clean the toilet

Tessa Berg Meier: Actually wanted to get out of the 19-year-old at "America's Next Top Model" quite large.
But you know, it was nothing. After the finger-scandal, she was kicked out of the GNTM jury.
Your new career: a job there for the past 16 days, Tessa Balzac in a coffee shop in Hamburg (EXPRESS reported>).
But since they likely have to cook not just coffee. According cleaning Game Blog> Tessa has now even the toilets.
On the girls' toilet hangs a cleaning plan (the video HERE>) - after several dates, all of its signature. Last Tessa should have checked at noon on Thursday at 12 clock, the toilet.
Or is it just a cleverly contrived publicity campaign of the coffee shop chain? Finally, each could have written the name of Tessa on the toilet checklist.
Tessa's crash: From the prospective Topmodel Heidi's mission in the job in the coffee shop. Is that it? Will it still start a modeling career? Discuss with - in the forum below this article!