Friday, May 14, 2010

Fire safety in schools costs millions

Bonn - There are 54 "hot" pages. Then the administration has a list of what to do in terms of fire safety at schools in Bonn.
The cost of repairing the defects in 1400 are unclear. One thing is clear: It is certainly a Millonenbetrag.
The laptop belongs in the schools is not the standard - the fire protection. 108 schools to be something must be done to ensure that the classroom will not fire the event.
Example Schulzentrum Tannenbusch: There are 44 defects of the flammable ceiling lining up to lack of fire alarms. Dorothee passport Weigartz (Green) outraged: "The school has received no money from the stimulus package. Completely incomprehensible! "
Evil's looks at the Friedrich List College. In a fire in the stairwell to the students out on the upper floors from the windows. But the Fire Department has no portable ladders, up the second Stock rich. Tell a turntable ladder they will not even ran!
What does the elimination of 1400 defects? The city could not quantify the amount, but pointed out processed in five years, 550 points on the hot list to have. Dorothee passport wine Gartz calls to give the school renovation priority over other major projects: "The millions are in the schools was better than in the World Conference Center."