Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daniel Shoemaker: "I hate this woman"

Cologne - The air in the battle for the title is thinner, the nerves in the American Idol candidates are on edge. Allen at first Daniel Glover.
So far, Daniel had held back with remarks about fellow competitors. But after the departure of his buddy Dominic Büchele> Daniel is loaded. He boiled with rage - because he would have preferred Anne Marie outside view. "Dominic and Sarah are important to me because I am completely honest, even if people say now, I'm an asshole."
Clear words of Daniel, in the otherwise sovereign 22-year-old unrestrained tears flowed, as a retired Dominik. And these were not just tears of disappointment, but rather tears of anger. Daniel in a newspaper interview: "I hate that woman!"
Meanwhile, Daniel also raises his former girlfriend before being sneaky. Only to trust no one, to say that.
Anne Marie Daniels takes outburst calmly: "Maybe he does not begrudge it to me. We are only three of two people and separate him from the victory!"
Anne Marie does not have the talent to superstar, Daniel said, now even - and, although the two former friends were: "The problem was simply the thing that has happened in private lot. Much of what has bothered me and hurt human. And I there simply say, enough! "
to impress Anne Marie Does it? Not at all - it also points out fighter, and moves from the claws: "Ultimately, Daniel decides who wins here, but the audience out there. And even if Daniel does not want me here, but then I want the spectators."
As the days are now up to the semi-final run in the Villa? "The coming weeks will probably be a bit stressful anyway and we have so much to do that we will find ourselves not so much. What I think is good for the whole harmony thing that does not exist, yes," says Daniel.
More on Daniel Shoemaker: American Idol - the winner's CD yet? > Daniel Shoemaker -> Schluffi of the girls swarm> Daniel's visit
More about Anne Marie Eilfeld: rises from Anne Marie Eilfeld? Can>> emergency physician at Anne Marie Eilfeld> Finalists tremble in front of Anne Marie Anne Marie oracle Dieter Bohlen as "Bitch insult"? > Anne Marie, the super bitch>
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Also of Interest
Sarah Cross American Idol
The American Idol winner 2009 - Daniel Shoemaker
Anne Marie Eilfeld American Idol