Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scandal over counterfeit millions

Bonn - It was his dream, and he made it come true: No sooner was Christoph Vitali 2007 as director of the Federal Art Gallery in office, he announced:
"I make a Modigliani exhibition." Knowing this you must: Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920) is one of the most forged painters. And so came what many feared art experts: Vitali's dream became a nightmare!
The charge: millions of fakes! At least two, probably not, some more great works, "says Stefan Koldehoff, art expert and connoisseur Modigliani. As if he had known it, Koldehoff warned already in the companion book to the exhibition from forgeries.
Now he lay in the Süddeutsche Zeitung in "The painting" Reclining Nude "was by the world's leading auction houses Sotheby's and Christie's have been rejected as spurious. The picture is with so-called "titanium white" has been worked on. These dyes have it but not even given time to Modigliani.
Also difficult is suspected: The painting "Young Woman with brown hair" (estimated value: € 4.2 million). That depends, says Koldehofff, the only reason in the exhibition in order to ennoble ". Should read: A week after the opening of art show by listing it in "FAZ" and "SZ" offered for sale.
The new director, Robert Fleck, and Bernd Spiess, commercial head of the BuKuHa said yesterday that they had behaved correctly: You have said it in the exhibition to the counterfeiting problem and checked with great care the works. Fleck also said: "I can say with any painting, whether it is really genuine."
Why, asked the Express, he has made the issue at all? "Vitali she wanted, and what would have been if I would have canceled the first official act?" Vitali himself was "very hard to reach," said Spies. He would possibly in the near future to hang äußern.Übrigens: keep the disputed paintings.
Also of Interest
Why Modigliani is to fake that simple?