Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daniel Shoemaker: "I hate this woman"

Cologne - The air in the battle for the title is thinner, the nerves in the American Idol candidates are on edge. Allen at first Daniel Glover.
So far, Daniel had held back with remarks about fellow competitors. But after the departure of his buddy Dominic Büchele> Daniel is loaded. He boiled with rage - because he would have preferred Anne Marie outside view. "Dominic and Sarah are important to me because I am completely honest, even if people say now, I'm an asshole."
Clear words of Daniel, in the otherwise sovereign 22-year-old unrestrained tears flowed, as a retired Dominik. And these were not just tears of disappointment, but rather tears of anger. Daniel in a newspaper interview: "I hate that woman!"
Meanwhile, Daniel also raises his former girlfriend before being sneaky. Only to trust no one, to say that.
Anne Marie Daniels takes outburst calmly: "Maybe he does not begrudge it to me. We are only three of two people and separate him from the victory!"
Anne Marie does not have the talent to superstar, Daniel said, now even - and, although the two former friends were: "The problem was simply the thing that has happened in private lot. Much of what has bothered me and hurt human. And I there simply say, enough! "
to impress Anne Marie Does it? Not at all - it also points out fighter, and moves from the claws: "Ultimately, Daniel decides who wins here, but the audience out there. And even if Daniel does not want me here, but then I want the spectators."
As the days are now up to the semi-final run in the Villa? "The coming weeks will probably be a bit stressful anyway and we have so much to do that we will find ourselves not so much. What I think is good for the whole harmony thing that does not exist, yes," says Daniel.
More on Daniel Shoemaker: American Idol - the winner's CD yet? > Daniel Shoemaker -> Schluffi of the girls swarm> Daniel's visit
More about Anne Marie Eilfeld: rises from Anne Marie Eilfeld? Can>> emergency physician at Anne Marie Eilfeld> Finalists tremble in front of Anne Marie Anne Marie oracle Dieter Bohlen as "Bitch insult"? > Anne Marie, the super bitch>
More on Sarah KreuzSo made Bruce a cross diva Sarah> Sarah Cross - Conversion to self-assured woman> American Idol Sarah: I hate Anne Marie! > Sarah Cross: I want to sing, not stripping! > Sarah Cross - fiance puts an end because of American Idol>
Also of Interest
Sarah Cross American Idol
The American Idol winner 2009 - Daniel Shoemaker
Anne Marie Eilfeld American Idol

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scandal over counterfeit millions

Bonn - It was his dream, and he made it come true: No sooner was Christoph Vitali 2007 as director of the Federal Art Gallery in office, he announced:
"I make a Modigliani exhibition." Knowing this you must: Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920) is one of the most forged painters. And so came what many feared art experts: Vitali's dream became a nightmare!
The charge: millions of fakes! At least two, probably not, some more great works, "says Stefan Koldehoff, art expert and connoisseur Modigliani. As if he had known it, Koldehoff warned already in the companion book to the exhibition from forgeries.
Now he lay in the Süddeutsche Zeitung in "The painting" Reclining Nude "was by the world's leading auction houses Sotheby's and Christie's have been rejected as spurious. The picture is with so-called "titanium white" has been worked on. These dyes have it but not even given time to Modigliani.
Also difficult is suspected: The painting "Young Woman with brown hair" (estimated value: € 4.2 million). That depends, says Koldehofff, the only reason in the exhibition in order to ennoble ". Should read: A week after the opening of art show by listing it in "FAZ" and "SZ" offered for sale.
The new director, Robert Fleck, and Bernd Spiess, commercial head of the BuKuHa said yesterday that they had behaved correctly: You have said it in the exhibition to the counterfeiting problem and checked with great care the works. Fleck also said: "I can say with any painting, whether it is really genuine."
Why, asked the Express, he has made the issue at all? "Vitali she wanted, and what would have been if I would have canceled the first official act?" Vitali himself was "very hard to reach," said Spies. He would possibly in the near future to hang äußern.Übrigens: keep the disputed paintings.
Also of Interest
Why Modigliani is to fake that simple?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fire safety in schools costs millions

Bonn - There are 54 "hot" pages. Then the administration has a list of what to do in terms of fire safety at schools in Bonn.
The cost of repairing the defects in 1400 are unclear. One thing is clear: It is certainly a Millonenbetrag.
The laptop belongs in the schools is not the standard - the fire protection. 108 schools to be something must be done to ensure that the classroom will not fire the event.
Example Schulzentrum Tannenbusch: There are 44 defects of the flammable ceiling lining up to lack of fire alarms. Dorothee passport Weigartz (Green) outraged: "The school has received no money from the stimulus package. Completely incomprehensible! "
Evil's looks at the Friedrich List College. In a fire in the stairwell to the students out on the upper floors from the windows. But the Fire Department has no portable ladders, up the second Stock rich. Tell a turntable ladder they will not even ran!
What does the elimination of 1400 defects? The city could not quantify the amount, but pointed out processed in five years, 550 points on the hot list to have. Dorothee passport wine Gartz calls to give the school renovation priority over other major projects: "The millions are in the schools was better than in the World Conference Center."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tessa Berg Meier must now clean the toilet

Tessa Berg Meier: Actually wanted to get out of the 19-year-old at "America's Next Top Model" quite large.
But you know, it was nothing. After the finger-scandal, she was kicked out of the GNTM jury.
Your new career: a job there for the past 16 days, Tessa Balzac in a coffee shop in Hamburg (EXPRESS reported>).
But since they likely have to cook not just coffee. According cleaning Game Blog> Tessa has now even the toilets.
On the girls' toilet hangs a cleaning plan (the video HERE>) - after several dates, all of its signature. Last Tessa should have checked at noon on Thursday at 12 clock, the toilet.
Or is it just a cleverly contrived publicity campaign of the coffee shop chain? Finally, each could have written the name of Tessa on the toilet checklist.
Tessa's crash: From the prospective Topmodel Heidi's mission in the job in the coffee shop. Is that it? Will it still start a modeling career? Discuss with - in the forum below this article!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

These two are the lamentations

Vaduz / St. Gall - "Poldi should stop whining in the corner." Thus, Bayern general manager Uli Hoeness put last week's scathing criticism of Lukas Podolski. But now everything is different. Just look, Mr. Hoeness: Now these two were to lament!
Your name: Miroslav Klose and Luca Toni. Both set as a striker for Bayern. And both on Saturday in their national teams sooo weak.
Klose has been in weeks, a sporty case of bereavement, after a presentation to the indisputable victory of the 6:0-DFB selection in Liechtenstein in the 64th Minutes saved. Toni at Bayern in the preseason clippers from service after a long injury break has yet to catch up. Quaking in a 2-1 victory for the Italians on Cyprus, he played weak and I needed to get out on the break.
Quite different Poldi, the FC Bayern dissatisfied Benchwarmers, which also receives the third year in Munich barely time a real chance. In the DFB-shirt of the 23-year-old brimming over with joy of playing and scored on the 56th Match his goals number 29 and 30 - what a husky Quote! "They were two goals for Real - or maybe just for real-purchase," joked the former Cologne and alluded to the alleged interest from Real Madrid in him.
The gun jammed for months under suffering, discouraged occurring Klose murmured after the final whistle, however: "I do not mind working with is doing well. And I have no problems with it that I did not hit. "
Klose has a large lobby. In Bavaria's coach Klinsmann. And for Loew, who also holds on Wednesday in Finland, to Klose and it establishes from the beginning: "Then it looks. Miro needs a sense of achievement. Then we will see the old Klose again. "
The "old Poldi" there is not in the national team. There are almost always the same: the playful, sure-humored, good. Poldi: "The fact that I feel in the national team well, so you can see by the statistics." Philipp Lahm: "Poldi here brings power, so he plays. He is an important player. "