Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bavaria takes away the buddhas Klinsi

Munich - Bayern can do it anyway with Klinsi! Football Gala's 4-1 against Hertha. Was it Klinsis new tactics with a trio of defense?
Or maybe his new look with hair, and polo shirt instead of shirt and jacket? Maybe. Maybe it was also the Buddha - because they're gone now!
Again the new FCB. On Monday at the Säbener Street: The reservists train on the pitch, while the heroes of the day before regenerating at the gym. But where are the Buddha? Way!
EXPRESS learned: The Bavarians were the Asian ornamental designs already on the weekend, before the Hertha game, away from the roof and remove verabschieden.Buddhas without prospect of return, success here!
Pretty much everything put Klinsmann after his inauguration on the head - and the Buddha on the roof of the newly designed training center, which he calls himself "oasis".
Now they are gone - and success again? How easy it is of course not. The reason for the removal was not just the bumpy start to the season of Bavaria.
But with poor results, it can be naturally good about the sense and nonsense of Buddha figures discussed in the training center. And just wanted to end this discussion by the Bavarians.
So, walk with the Buddha! Back and forth with the success: "We were from the beginning to the present place and so we now need to just go ahead," said Philipp Lahm after the Hertha game. From the beginning, but for all time away from the window, pardon from the roof, are now the Buddha.
"For me they are only an ornament, but at home I would not lay down," revealed defender Lucio recently. The Brazilians must now those things can not even relax on the balcony in mind to go. Buddha's path to see success da.Mal what happens next.