Monday, April 26, 2010

Rafinha - Switch to the Bayern almost certainly

Munich - Bayern Munich stehtnach a media report prior to the obligation of SchalkesAußenverteidiger Rafinha.
As the Munich Abendzeitung reported to be einigsein the club with the 23-year-old Brazilian. The paper cites sources in the Board of Schalke.
For the defender, who would still have a contract at Schalke until 2011besitzt, paid a transfer fee of several million euros.
It is certain that the Munich will increase, on the defensive Wing. There, they have outstanding with Philipp Lahm nureinen player. After convincing the retirement of Willy Sagnolkonnten Christian Lell and from AC Milan on loan MassimoOddo right not back permanently.
Rafinha made at the Royal Blues, but the attention not only with gutenLeistungen up, but also with negative headlines.
For his unauthorized departure for the Olympic Games acted ersich trouble with Schalke, in private parties for alleged seinemHaus with the neighbors.
Rafinha had fanned in recent days in several interviews dieTransfer speculation. "I still have a contract bis2011 and feel very well at Schalke," said Rafinha in the "Revier Sport", but stressed the same time: "If an offer comes, dasgut for me and for Schalke, then have to sit down with my manager and denVerantwortlichen looking for a solution, because I'm already jaauch four years here. "